Q: Why did the chicken tell an entire ridiculous elephant joke to the very end? A: To get to the other side.
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Q: Why did the chicken tell an entire ridiculous elephant joke to the very end? A: To get to the other side.
New rules governing organic eggs have just been put into effect. The old rules were riddled with loopholes that some large producers of “organic” eggs slithered through in order to sell their eggs at high organic prices while underhandedly maintaining their flock in subpar, inhumane conditions. In this interview with Very Finest Organic Eggs CEO John Barn, we discuss the new rules, the old rules, the loopholes, slithering and underhandedness. Some would say this is the very, very best interview that’s ever been conducted.
Perhaps there are some chickens that man was never meant to tamper with.
Chicken movies: An idea whose time is undoubtedly near at hand, considering that there are all sorts of important Hollywood people who would not only advocate for a chicken movie but perhaps also be anxious to star in one. I’m ready to cash in and have put together a few great movie ideas.
Remember when chicken sweaters were the BIG FASHION THING? Maybe not. It actually only lasted a day in my coop. But it’s a day the Hipster Hens will never forget.