Everybody knows that roosters crow in the morning. If you have roosters, you know that they also crow other times of the day. But have you ever wondered why they crow at all? What’s their motivation?
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Everybody knows that roosters crow in the morning. If you have roosters, you know that they also crow other times of the day. But have you ever wondered why they crow at all? What’s their motivation?
Do our chickens have emotional lives? People with cats and dogs will attest to emotional lives of their pets. Guest author Claire Dineen suggests that if we watch our flocks closely, over time, we will affirm that chickens have feelings too.
Here’s my yearly assemblage of chicken-themed books ! This year I’ve focused entirely on fiction. As you will see, there are some great chicken stories out there!
The State of California has passed laws that protects chickens and other farm animals from abuse. Will the Supreme Court find those laws to be constitutional?
When I stumbled across a giant puffball growing in my woods, my first stop was my garden. Then I swung by the coop and grabbed some eggs. Finally, I went into the kitchen and cooked up something delicious.
Bird flu has been marching across the US, destroying flocks in its wake. Since avian flu first appeared in the news this year, people have been wondering about how this disease relates to them. They have been asking: “Can I catch flu from my flu-infected chickens?” While this 2022 bird flu strain is less likely to infect people than strains seen in the past, the answer is definitely “Yes!” But, perhaps the more profound and important question people should be asking is, “Will bird flu cause the next human pandemic?”
Flu - The Coop, part 2. What is bird flu? Actually, what is any flu? And while we’re at it, what’s a virus?
Flu - The Coop, part 1. The author falls prey to Covid and then writes about avian flu.
Bullfighting: When you remove the pageantry, costumes, and choreography, it is animal slaughter for amusement. We can’t expect good lives for chickens until all domestic animals are treated with the same humane respect.
The Hipster Hens, the Graham Quackers and I have been throwing confetti around the coop! We’re celebrating the sixth anniversary of Randy’s Chicken Blog!
You’ve been keeping chickens for awhile and now you think you’d like to try some ducks. Cool! That’s what I did! But you need to know from the get-go that ducks are not chickens. Here are some of the differences I discovered in my first few months of keeping ducks.
It looked like Rafael was trying to grow his own little unicorn horn. But he’d gotten confused and had grown it on entirely the wrong part of his body. It was actually a feather follicle cyst. Who knew?? Feather follicle cysts are a rare phenomenon in chickens.
Here are some gift ideas for your favorite chickens, ducks, and people - for the holidays, or anytime!
“Is it ok to store eggs at room temperature?” It’s a question that doesn’t come with a yes/no answer.
Nowadays in the US there are regulations that mandate that anybody selling eggs must refrigerate them. Why? Because of Salmonella, a bacterium that sickens and kills a lot of folks every year, and sometimes lives in eggs. Here’s the catch, though. The United Kingdom and much of Europe have regulations that mandate that anybody selling eggs should not refrigerate them. And the Salmonella rates in the UK are actually lower than in the US. Confused yet? Read this post!
If you gauge success by sheer numbers, chickens are unmatched. They were nonexistent 8000 years ago, at the dawn of agriculture. Then they were domesticated from wild jungle fowl and today there are something like 26 billion of them. They’re more abundant than any other bird and there are four chickens for every human. If you were a jungle fowl living 8000 years ago, do you think you would choose the path to “success,” or would you decide to stay in the jungle?
A beautifully written novel about nurturing and love and sadness and loss…and chickens.